Announcing The Live Love Perform Achievement Awards

Portait photo of natalie wearing a Live Love Perform t-shirt
  • Posted Wednesday, 25 May 2022
  • By Natalie, Founder & Director

We have recently been working very hard on creating a programme to reward our students for all of their hard work, at every point in their dance journey. We already have ‘Performer of the Month’ for each dance style but we wanted to celebrate their achievements more!

A custom programme specifically designed for us and our dancers! We have pin-pointed the specific skills our dancers learn and have made these into a reward system. And better yet, as far as we know we are the first and only dance school in the area to have this unique programme!

Why did we choose to reward our students? Firstly why not, who doesn’t love a certificate? But more importantly, rewarding students is an excellent tool to boost confidence and power a drive to learn!

These Achievement Awards can be worked towards in an informal, familiar environment but still provide our students with the chance to be recognised for their hard work and to feel a sense of pride in their progress.

Each student will receive a report card listing the steps for their current level. When an individual stage is completed, students will be awarded a mini certificate and when the full level has been achieved, they will receive a full sized certificate and badge! All students will start on ‘Core 1 Beginners’ in their specific dance style (or Level 1 for Petit Performers).

We will be starting the Achievement Awards following the half term holiday and I am very excited for our students to begin the next part of their dance journey!

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